Web Design Inspiration

Web Design Inspiration

Working as a web designer requires a lot of creativity, skills, and personal, and professional development. Those who perceive the world in a new way, find hidden patterns, make connections between seemingly unrelated phenomena, and generate solutions will always remain competitive in our dynamic world. Today we will talk about web design inspiration.

The uncertainty with the question “How can I be more creative?” happens to everyone. This article will uncover the best website, app, and blog design examples for you. Additionally, our designers will share their tips and tricks too. Ready to get inspired?

 This outlines the article for your convenience:


  • UX Studio designers share where they get inspiration
  • Best web design websites to boost your creativity
  • UX folio – The portfolio website to inspire your own website
  • Takeaways for designers – How to never run out of ideas

UX Studio designers share where they get inspiration from

A self-taught designer raised on the internet, I’m either traveling, drinking coffee, or taking mediocre photos when I’m not pushing pixels. I rank my top inspiration places as Dribbble, Awwwards, Muzli, Instagram, and actual apps that I use on my phone.

Dribbble – The challenge comes in that most of the designs don’t represent reality there. But that also makes for a good thing. Many of them look pretty bold, and you can think of how you could apply them to a real project.


Instagram – I follow some designers and sometimes things appeal to me. In Instagram, I really like the more personal connection than just finding something random on Dribbble. In many cases, I can see the style of the designer I’m following. So, at least I can find something useful on Instagram

Best Web Design Websites to Boost Your Creativity

Each designer at UX studio has their own approach to where to get inspirational ideas and new, sometimes innovative, solutions to the projects. So, here is a list of popular and unconventional places for design inspiration. Creativity and ideas are unlimited there, everyone will be able to find a cool idea that might become a reality in the future.


A well-established online platform to showcase and discover creative designs. Let’s see how you can get inspired there.

  • Best of Behance  – Find the most popular images, videos, projects and visuals that were liked by thousands of people and ended by being featured on Behance.
  • Curated Galleries  – Shows off projects across fields such as graphic design, photography, illustration, interaction, motion, architecture, product design, fashion, advertising, fine arts, crafts, game design and sound.
  • Creative Tools – Collection of works made with the help of various creative tools. The tab consists of a list of tools and a set of works designed with them.
  • Schools & Organisations – Check, follow and join organizations engaged in designing new products and services. Visit their pages, check their galleries and design portfolios, get inspired to change the world to a better place. 

  • Dribbble

    An online community platform for artists and designers to share their visuals, animations and creatives every single day. Dribbble encourages designers to upload and share their projects, so you can always find something new and interesting to get inspiration from.

    We might not describe Dribbble as a good place for learning, but a lot of UX and UI designers with considerable experience socialize there.


    One of the most popular social media platforms, it intends to showcase and promote visual content only.  Thus, it provides a great place for those who want to advertise their products and find their audience. Lying in bed late in the evening, you scroll the Instagram feed and stumble upon a beautiful post with a great design. You can already imagine yourself embedding some elements into your current project. Sounds familiar?


    The Pinterest platform deals with visuals, creativity and discovery. Since 2010 when the platform was launched, it has become a place to go for finding inspiration, interesting and funny images as well as the content for social media.

    Template Monster

    Once upon a time, a group of designers and developers met together with the ultimate goal to make the digital world easier to use and more beautiful. This is how Template Monster was born back in 2002.  


    Find all kinds of website designs at this marketplace, from art and culture to entertainment, games, and nightlife. Whatever your industry, you can choose from hundreds of design ideas.

    UX folio – best portfolio website to inspire your own website

    No matter what type of design you create, it is a must for every designer to have an online portfolio website, which would showcase your projects. You are able to present your work in a much better, clearer way than you would explain it in your CV. Take time to walk your reader through each step of your project and show how it solves a specific problem, and you’ll make a portfolio worth remembering.

    Takeaways for Designers – How to Never Run Out of Ideas

    A new design project is always exciting. It requires flexibility and open-mindedness from designers. However, without a great design idea, it is difficult to amaze your client and prove your expertise.


    Here is a list of websites and tactics used for finding design inspiration shared by professional UX/UI designers:


    • Look at the competitors in the same niche to analyze their website design and solutions. Direct competitors solve the same problems, with the same value proposition for the same target group.
    • Look at companies with similar business models. For instance, you can check how the subscription model works at different websites in order to get ideas about UX/UI solutions for your project.
    • Get color match ideas at Adobe Color, AWSM Color on Instagram and Color Palette on Pinterest.
    • Search for multiple creative solutions at Dribbble, Muzli, Instagram, Pinterest.
    • Well-established online platforms: Behance, Awwwards, UX folio, Template Monster, Best Website Gallery, UI Movement, UP labs, Site Inspire, Webdesign Inspiration and Envato Elements, just to name a few. 


    Indeed, the sources for design inspiration are unlimited. However, you can also ace your web design skills by following these easy habits:


    • Subscribe to several online web design platforms and start getting new inspirational ideas every day
    • Follow creative pins, channels, designers on social media
    • Bookmark findings that make you excited about design
    • Create your own, unique collection of UX/UI ideas and solutions that might be applicable in the future.


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